Имам ту срећу да су сви мушки чланови моје породице машинци па нам је кућа увијек била пуна прецизних алата и алатки. Тренутно на на мом столу можете наћи стоне бушилице, бијакс, винклу, турпије... Знам да више припадају гаражи и да их мој супруг, брат и отац вјероватно сада траже питајући се гдје су све те ствари нестале, али, знате, све ми то треба! Али, хеј!Мора постојати мјесто за умјетност у овом свијету! И ако морам да позајмим коју стварчицу да бих то и доказала...и хоћу!
Да не буде да сам свој инвентар обогатила само кабастим стварима, а осиромашила мушку популацију, рећи ћу да лак за нокте, турпијице, маказице, пинцете, четкице за шминкање...одавно купујем и у друге сврхе.
Living in a family where all male members have been in some sort of technical field of work, I have always been surrounded with all kinds of precision tools and instruments, handyman tools, jigs and fixtures. I have found a good use for them in my work. Right now on my desk you can see little drills, benders, cutters, tiny files, special tweezers etc. I know that they more belong to the garage where my husband, brother and father are probably looking for some of them, wondering where they disappeared, but, you know, I need all those things! There has to be a place for art in this world! And if I need to borrow a few tools to prove it, I’ll do it.
I should probably have to clarify at this point that all this time I have also been buying tweezers, files, little scissors, make-up brushes, etc. for reasons other than quilling and tool supplies.
Ево основних ствари које користим:
Here is the list of the basic tools I use:
1.Табла за цртање. Између табле и лењира сам поставила танки лим. Табла је згодна за овај дио посла јер се лењир може и фиксирати и лагано помјерати, милиметар по милиметар, а и лако добијам праве углове. Папир сијечем скалпелом, наравно.
1.Drafting table – very handy for this work. You can move the ruler with a great precision and also have it fixed at some point. It is also helping me to get the correct angles for cutting...Scalpel to cut the paper.
Да не буде да сам свој инвентар обогатила само кабастим стварима, а осиромашила мушку популацију, рећи ћу да лак за нокте, турпијице, маказице, пинцете, четкице за шминкање...одавно купујем и у друге сврхе.
Living in a family where all male members have been in some sort of technical field of work, I have always been surrounded with all kinds of precision tools and instruments, handyman tools, jigs and fixtures. I have found a good use for them in my work. Right now on my desk you can see little drills, benders, cutters, tiny files, special tweezers etc. I know that they more belong to the garage where my husband, brother and father are probably looking for some of them, wondering where they disappeared, but, you know, I need all those things! There has to be a place for art in this world! And if I need to borrow a few tools to prove it, I’ll do it.
I should probably have to clarify at this point that all this time I have also been buying tweezers, files, little scissors, make-up brushes, etc. for reasons other than quilling and tool supplies.
Ево основних ствари које користим:
Here is the list of the basic tools I use:
1.Табла за цртање. Између табле и лењира сам поставила танки лим. Табла је згодна за овај дио посла јер се лењир може и фиксирати и лагано помјерати, милиметар по милиметар, а и лако добијам праве углове. Папир сијечем скалпелом, наравно.
1.Drafting table – very handy for this work. You can move the ruler with a great precision and also have it fixed at some point. It is also helping me to get the correct angles for cutting...Scalpel to cut the paper.
2. Алат за мотање је искључиво ручне израде. Сада се и код нас могу набавити прави алати за quilling али ја сам се увелико навикла на своје.
Имам 4 игле различите дебљине (ф). Коју ћу да користим зависи искључиво од грамаже папира са којим радим ( мања грамажа - тања игла ) . Држачи за игле су они који су ми били при руци а чији дизајнери вјероватно нису предвидјели да се користе у ове сврхе: патент оловка, кист, уметак од оловке и дршка поломљене хекларице. Мала помоћ бушилице, супер-лијепка, мало центрирања...и, супер раде!
Имам иглу коју користим више од 3 године.Ево како сам то урадила: узела сам мамину иглу са довољно танком а дугачком ушицом, исјекла горњи дио ушице ( извини, мама ), мало је избрусила, да се оборе ивице, и залијепила на оловку и ето! Користим је за мотање ценра за цвјетиће, зрна грожђа и сл. Дала је све од себе и вријеме је за нову :)
2.Winding tools that I am using are all hand-made. It is possible to find proper quilling tools in retails in Serbia now, which is really great, but I am so used to my own now.
Needles – I am using four different sizes, depending on the weight of the paper (the lighter the paper the thinner the needle). Needle holders are the ones that were “at hand”, whose designers definitely never saw this use for them: old mechanical pencil, little painter’s brush, my mom’s broken quilting tools, pen fills etc. With little help of small drill, super glue and some more adjustments they all work great. The need is the mother of invention as they say. I have one needle that I’ve been using for more than three years now. This is how I made it: I took my mom’s quilting needle that looked suitable enough, I cut off the top of it with pliers (sorry, Mom), did a little bit of filing to make edges smooth, put it in the old pen and voila – there was my quilling needle. I use it for flower centers, grapes and similar items, and now when I look at it - it is about time to make a new one. This one has done a lot of work and is ready for retirement.
2.Winding tools that I am using are all hand-made. It is possible to find proper quilling tools in retails in Serbia now, which is really great, but I am so used to my own now.
Needles – I am using four different sizes, depending on the weight of the paper (the lighter the paper the thinner the needle). Needle holders are the ones that were “at hand”, whose designers definitely never saw this use for them: old mechanical pencil, little painter’s brush, my mom’s broken quilting tools, pen fills etc. With little help of small drill, super glue and some more adjustments they all work great. The need is the mother of invention as they say. I have one needle that I’ve been using for more than three years now. This is how I made it: I took my mom’s quilting needle that looked suitable enough, I cut off the top of it with pliers (sorry, Mom), did a little bit of filing to make edges smooth, put it in the old pen and voila – there was my quilling needle. I use it for flower centers, grapes and similar items, and now when I look at it - it is about time to make a new one. This one has done a lot of work and is ready for retirement.
3. Љепило. Користим љепило на воденој бази. То су оне провидне тубице са једнобојним поклопцима којих има у свим књижарама, чак и у прехрамбеним продавницама (око 20,00 RSD). Нисам много експериментисала са љепилима, ова су ми се показала као сасвим добро рјешење. Лијепак наносим танком иглом, буквално само једну кап.
3. Water-based glue, quite easy to find in stores. I apply one drop only with thin needle.
3. Water-based glue, quite easy to find in stores. I apply one drop only with thin needle.
4. Маказе су битан дио прибора, како оне обичне ( што тање и што оштрије ) тако и оне са разним облицима сјечива. Има их стварно много и код нас, можете да бирате.
4.Scissors – very important piece of tool. Try to find the one that are thin and very sharp.
5.Парче стиропора, плуте, чиодице и сл. добро дође.
5.Pieces of styrofoam, cork sheets, pins etc are all handy and good to have around.
6. Шта још?! Ах, да, папир! Нисам имала прилику да радим са правим папиром за quilling. Још увијек је тешко доћи до таквог папира у Србији. То би ми много олакшало рад и уштедјело би се на времену. А када прошетам интернетом по on-line шоповима и видим са колико боја и нијанси располажу, па још неке имају посуте перлице по ивицама тракица, како се лијепо сјаје...Дивно!
4.Scissors – very important piece of tool. Try to find the one that are thin and very sharp.
5.Парче стиропора, плуте, чиодице и сл. добро дође.
5.Pieces of styrofoam, cork sheets, pins etc are all handy and good to have around.
6. Шта још?! Ах, да, папир! Нисам имала прилику да радим са правим папиром за quilling. Још увијек је тешко доћи до таквог папира у Србији. То би ми много олакшало рад и уштедјело би се на времену. А када прошетам интернетом по on-line шоповима и видим са колико боја и нијанси располажу, па још неке имају посуте перлице по ивицама тракица, како се лијепо сјаје...Дивно!
За сада још увијек користим папир од 80g/m2 па до 300g/m2, паус папир, папири за штампаче, арак, хамер, ребрасти...све долази у обзир. Највише радим са 130g/m2 јер га има у највише нијанси.
6.What else… let me see…oh, I almost forgot – paper, of course! Unfortunately I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to work with real quilling paper, I mean the one that is made specifically for quilling. It is difficult to find it in my country at this moment. Working with proper quilling paper would make my work much easier and it would save me a lot of time. And when I go to the internet on quilling web sites and see all those colors and shades, and some of them have sparkles around edges and they are so shiny… just amazing! For now I work with 80 g/m2 - 380 g/m2 paper that I find in bookstores. Good quality printing paper, mylar, card stock are all on my supply list. I prefer 130 g/m2 because it comes in largest number of shades.
6.What else… let me see…oh, I almost forgot – paper, of course! Unfortunately I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to work with real quilling paper, I mean the one that is made specifically for quilling. It is difficult to find it in my country at this moment. Working with proper quilling paper would make my work much easier and it would save me a lot of time. And when I go to the internet on quilling web sites and see all those colors and shades, and some of them have sparkles around edges and they are so shiny… just amazing! For now I work with 80 g/m2 - 380 g/m2 paper that I find in bookstores. Good quality printing paper, mylar, card stock are all on my supply list. I prefer 130 g/m2 because it comes in largest number of shades.
A gde se u Beogradu moze naci originalna alatka za quilling?
ReplyDeleteJovana, zaista ne znam :( Ako nesto cujem, javicu!!!