Avaible Cards

Monday, 14 March 2011

За моју пријатељицу, Мерилин/Marilyn's house-For My Friend Marilyn

Прошли пут сам писала о пријатељству до којег је, на неки начин, дошло захваљујући квилингу. Наставићу причу у том  духу. Кад сам покренула мој мали блог, у једном од првих "постова", поменула сам несебичност која краси квилере. И нисам претјерала нити погријешила.
За двије недјеље ће бити година дана мог блога. Хтјела сам да овај "пост" објавим тек тада и на лијеп начин обиљежим годишњицу. Неки од вас су већ видјели ову слику на Фејсбуку. Нисам хтјела да је објављујем овдје јер сам планирала да изненадим Мерилин, да "сакријем" од ње оно што сам јој припремила. Међутим, данас када смо се видјеле, захваљујући благодатима интернета, нисам могла да се суздржим и не покажем јој ово "М" и видим њену реакцију. И сада више нема разлога да је кријем.
Упознала сам Мерлин почетком јануара ове године. Данас када смо се чуле и видјеле, имала сам осјећај као да се познајемо одавно. Да, Мерилин је једна од оних особа, према којима одмах осјетите блискост. И, вољела бих да могу да опишем колико ме је Мерилин усрећила овим предивним поклоном. Хвала, Мерилин, по 1000-и пут!!!
Ово "М" представља моју верзију како да дође до лијепог спајања двије стране свијета.
Last time I wrote about friendship. Partly, thanks to quilling. I have one more story to tell you about.
In one of my first posts, I said that quillers are so unselfish sort of people. And, I wasn't wrong.
Marilyn is one of those persons that you get close to right away. And I want to thank you, Marilyn, ones more, to say it here, how much you made me happy. 

I wanted to keep this for my blogoversary. I thought that I will be able to send Marilyn this little package and that's why I kept it from this blog, I wanted to be a surprise. But, today, thank you Skype, I couldn't handle myself and I had to show her this "M" I made for her. 
And this is my version of getting together two different sides of a world, in such beautiful way!
Мерилинина страна је ''западна'', са упаљеним свјетлима,
олуком, оградом од кованог квожђа и фењерима.
Marilyn's west side with lights turned on, with chamfer, iron fence and lamps. 
Ограда од кованог квожђа.
Iron fence.
Мало цвијећа краси оградицу.
Some flowers to decorate the fence.

Мој омиљени детаљ, балкон.
My favorite detail, balcony.
Моја страна.
My side.
Wooden fence.

Замишљено мјесто за уз кафицу.
Place to have a cup of coffee.
Са степеницама.
With stairways.
Поштанско сандуче.
Голуб мира. Обиљежњн је прстеном
америчке и спрске заставе.
White dove wears the USA and Serbian flag.
Писмо из којег вири прави квилинг
папир који ми је Мерилин послала!
Letter with quilling paper Marilyn sent to me, peep out from the envelop.

Перо са мојим потписом.
Feather with my signature.
Поглед из птичје перспективе.
View from above.


  1. Suzana....you truly are an artist. When I clicked on your post I was {in the most sincerest way }totally blown away by your talent. I am lucky enough to be a 'crafter' but you are an artist. You have found a style all of your own and have stayed true to it time and again.

    I can't stop looking at your pictures and the details are unbelievable.

    Thanks for making my day

  2. I am in awe of your work. That is just so beautiful and so creative. Marilyn is going to love it, and who wouldn't. You are very talented.

  3. Love it...what a nice and creative works....you always come out with lots of new idea...all the best to u...

  4. Suzana it's soooo beautiful.. How I do envy you as a quiller:)) and I am so happy to say I am your fan and admirer:)) I love each and everything about your M and thank you so much for sharing your work with us.

  5. това творение е зашеметяващо,така изпипано до най малкия детайл,просто страхотнооо

  6. Сузана, this is totally awesome!!! It's like a photo from a fairy tale! Everything's so cute and nice and sweet. The curves are pretty elegant and the details are beyond any compliments! So many tiny thingies that form a whole world!
    You're a super artist!

  7. Изумително! Всеки би бил щастливец с такъв подарък! Всичко е изпипано до най-малкия детайл, а идеята с къщите-близнаци е страхотна! Поздравления, аз съм във възторг!

  8. I totally agree with Cheryl and Ann - this is fabulous work, Suzana, and you are indeed an artist. The details in this project are amazing!

  9. It is like a fairy tale... makes you dream that place and makes you want to be there. I am so happy that you are in my reading list.

  10. I thought it was beautiful on Skype yesterday, but this is awesome. Can't wait for it to arrive in the mail. I love all the details, especially the dove. I agree with Ann and Cheryl, you are truly one amazing artist.
    I LOVE it.
    Your friend,

  11. Kao mladi zaljubljenik u qvilling zaista mogu da kazem da je ovo prelepo i jako mastovito,divna je ovo umetnost,svaka cast!

  12. Absolutely perfect! You've thought of so many lovely details - I can't take my eyes off the dove and envelope.

  13. Это что-то невероятное! Я в шоке! Это настоящее искусство, вы - Мастер!!!

  14. Suzana,
    Very cute. In each detail a work of art!

  15. Precioso tu trabajo.
    Te sigo desde hoy.

    Besos desde España.

    María Jesús

  16. This is just amazing! I love both the idea and implementation, all the finest details you've created. The chairs, the lamps, the downspout - everything is fantastic!

  17. Wow! I followed someone's link to your page and will now have to catch up on all your old blogs! There is so much detail in your work, it's lovely :)

  18. thank for being my first follower!! :D I'm so happy hehe :p
    I even make a post about it :)

    teddy bear princess: MY FIRST FOLLOWER :D

    teddy bear princess

  19. Так много деталей! Особенно понравились металлические решетки..Сама композиция - просто что-то нереальное:)

  20. Amazing details that make me look closer and longer. Love the fluid design - certainly a style all your own.

  21. ohmygoodness!!! Who wouldn't love to be your friend?
    You are so talented.
    Suzana, you are totally right about quillers being so generous, I'm just so amazed how giving they are, that's why I joined NAQG.

  22. My God! So many details!!! WOW!!! I am just truly speechless after this! Fantastic! You are gifted! :)

  23. Beautifully made!!!

    I'm blown away by your talent. I am learning quilling and it would be a huge favour to me if you could please tell me how to glue strips of paper to a background without too much mess. I use a brush to 'paint' the glue on the edge, but it still looks messy.

    Please help!!!

    My email id is anu514ster@gmail.com

    Thanks!! =)
