Avaible Cards

Monday, 16 January 2012

За Шерил/To Cheryl

Hello everybody! Hope you had great New Year celebration, Christmas Eve, and, of course Christmas. I think it's not too late to wish you all , who celebrate it on January the 7th:
Мир Божји, Христос ce роди!
Ваистину ce роди!
 Peace from God! Christ is Born!

За све хобисте са ових простора, посебна напомена, уколико нисте знали, да постоји бесплатан магазин ( да, бесплатан ) Do!ts у којем можете наћи све у вези рукотворина. 31.јануара излази нови број, а до тада погледајте први број овог изузетно квалитетног магазина.
I've been quilling these days. You'll be able to see it on January, 31st on new, great on-line magazine from Croatia  Do!ts that features all sorts of handmade stuff and crafts. It's gathered of fantastic people. Check it out till next number come out! 

Few days ago, I was expecting an important mail so I wanted to check if there were any news. And for no reason, I checked my blog status, and I was pleasantly surprised when I saw on my key sources that someone was on my blog searching for "unselfishly friendship"! Twice! Thank you Google! I know that friendship is unselfish by default, but that's not the point. This post is, also, about friendship.
Most of you saw it on Cheryl's blog but I want to have it here, too. And say a few things.  I know, and I'm glad, that luckily it's not all about money, but Cheryl sent me, just like that, lots of stamps, brand new, that I could never afford them to myself. That's unselfishly friendship, right?
I received, among other things, beautiful little sheep from Cheryl. How lovely it is! It's from her Nativity set but it also reminds me of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince" and his sheep! This is how sheep looks like:
And it's so nicely packed! Cheryl pays so much attention on everything. Real pro! Have a lot to learn from her.
I made the smallest card (  maybe about an inch ) that should be replica of this one Cheryl's card
This is my version of Cheryl's sheep card :)
And bird cage with free bird and a candle inside of it.
Another view


  1. Oh this is wonderful - so sweet. Here's to internet friendships!

  2. Suzana;
    I loved everything. The bird, the cage and miniature card.
    Cheryl's beautiful gesture!

  3. Your birdcage sculpture is FANTASTIC, Suzana! And I love the sheep too. Wishing you a happy and very creative new year ... and I look forward to seeing the magazine.

  4. ~ good morning Suzana {well it is morning in Vancouver and still dark out}.I am so happy I am off work today so I can comment on your post AND I saw a peak of a new post. Can't wait to go check it out.

    I saw this post yesterday but I was on my phone which is too small for me to make a comment without making big mistakes.

    Your post is very touching and makes me feel blessed with our quilling community and how we've stumbled upon each other. It is amazing how we have connected through quilling and the internet.

    I can't tell you enough how much I love your quilling and the stories you tell in your quilling. They are so personal and detailed...you have a great eye for the smallest details {like my free bird on the cage and that there is a candle inside which you saw in my card pictures to the card stand with the quilled sheep card}. I feel extremely fortunate to have received 3 cards and a 3d quilled piece all from you.

    I am not surprised that in your stats people are searching "unselfish friendship"...because that is what you are all about.

    Cheers my friend and you have inspired me to try your unique style of quilling on a project {small}I am working on. If it turns out I will share it when I am done.


  5. This is awesome, it's great haveing friends from all around, how sweet!!!!

  6. Suzana, you're one lucky AND talented woman! I think I want your address too! Because I have some things I think you will do wonders with!

    Lovely lovely design Suzana!
