Avaible Cards

Monday, 26 May 2014

Доста нам је кише! / Enough Rain!!!

Сунчана најава за дане који нам долазе!

По Соњиној идеји, двије рођенданске честитке за сестре близнакиње, Иву и Ању. Срећан 11-и рођендан!

No more rain! We all need sunshine, these days.

Here are two cards for twin sisters. It's their 11th birthday! Idea by Sonja :)


  1. That is such a cute idea to mirror the design for the twins, Suzana! So sweet and happy.

  2. That is such a cute idea to mirror the design for the twins, Suzana! So sweet and happy.

  3. Agree no more rain!!! Very cheerful cards Suzana :)
