Avaible Cards

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Честитка за младенце

Дешава ми се да неке честитке, које су ми посебно драге или у којима сам посебно уживала док сам их радила, уопште не могу да "ухватим" фотоапаратом. Тако сам и ову сликала и сликала и сликала...а, ипак, ми се чини да не изгледа тако добро као уживо. Зато сам ставила више слика, из више углова...ваљда ће нека дочарати комплетан утисак.
When trying to take a good photograph of some of my cards that are special or very dear to me, I find myself not able to capture their true look using the camera. Same goes with this one, I took many shots of it but it still doesn’t look the same as in nature. Hopefully some of the next photos will transfer the true feeling of this card.
Одскоро поклањам посебну пажњу на унутрашњост честитки, а и на коверте које правим за сваку честитку посебно. Волим да ставим још неки детаљ који ће је употпунити а да, ипак, не претјерам са шаренилом. Надам се да успијевам..
Recently I started paying close attention to the inside content of my cards and also to the envelopes that I make for each card separately. I like putting additional details that make card more complete. At the same time I don’t want to add too much to it so it doesn’t look too busy.
...и коверта у фазону...
… and the envelope in the same style…
Овдје се лијепо види како изгледа унутрашњост честитке.Мјеста за листиће и дио доњег розе цвијета сам претходно исјекла, а затим попунила quilling-ом
This photo is showing the inside look of the card. I made the cutouts for the leaves and lower
part of the pink flower first, then I added quilled details .


  1. Wow! What a gorgeous idea! It's so airy, so gentle and so light!I'd be happy to receive a card like that as a gift. It's awesome!!!

  2. Bio sam oduševljen delikatesa, dizajn, detalj rada pukotina to ostavlja ...
    Vrlo, vrlo lijepo!

  3. Thank you very, very much; your lovely comments really mean a lot. Hvala, Nagela:)

  4. Thanks, Carla for your comment and your visit!!!

  5. Absolutely amazing work!!! You´re so talented!!!
    Keep quilling, I´ll love to see more!!
    Have a wonderful week!

  6. Thank you, Regina. It's a pleasure to see you on my blog!
    I hope there'll be much more quilling!

  7. hello, i've googled quilling and found your blog. what a wonderful idea you have shared here.. keep it up and happy quilling ^__^

  8. Hello Asma' Ahmad! As to a quiller fellow I thank you for your visit and joining. Keep in touch!

  9. Thank you, I'm flattered! Well, it's true, it takes so much time; sometimes I find myself spending more time on writing over quilling lol

  10. This is so beautiful.I wonder how I missed this post of yours . Too good.

  11. lol, Suganthi, thanks dear!!!
    Thanks, MariLynn!

  12. This is stunning even if you didn't like the way some of the pictures turned out. I love it and hope you don't mind if I try to make something like this myself.
