Avaible Cards

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Blog Award

Примила сам прву блог награду од Аљоне. Хвала Аљона. Обзиром да сам нова у овоме и не знам да ли је дозвољено да просљеђујем исту фотографију па сам, за сваки случај, ставила нову.
I got my first blog award from Aljona and I'm really thrilled! Thank you, Aljona. I'm new with this one so I don't know if I can share the same picture award I got so I'll put a new one.
Овдје су неки од мојих омиљених блогова, сви који користе папир у свом занату. Нисам пратила сва правила али погледајте шта су све лијепо урадили.
These are one of my favorite blogs, not only quilling but paper for sure;) No particular order. Just take a look at it. They are all true artist. I didn't follow all the rules, there's more then 10 ;) 


  1. Congratulations Suzana and thanks for thinking of me.

  2. yours is my favorite too, Сузана Илић! oh, how can i call you in english?

    btw, i read your profile just now and your occupation is math technician rite? i am math student too! and currently continue my work in math too, as research assistant ;)

  3. You made me smile, thanks:)))
    Well, it's quite confusing, isn't it?! I'm Suzana!
    In my opinion, everything is spinning around math. I used to did if just for fun, in my spare time, like listening a music or reading a book. I just love math. I keep my fingers crossed and wish you all the happiness in the most lovely field of researching ( well, chemistry could compare :) ).
    I had a great teachers, wonderful professors, and a few months ago I got an idea of making a math card and send to one of them. I think integrals would look so cool in quilling :)
