Avaible Cards

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Честитке за вјенчања/Greeting Cards for Wedding Ceremonies

Ове године сам баш много радила, много лијепих празника и повода. Претходиле су припреме за Нову годину, па Св.Валентин, тј. Св.Трифун, 8.март...Заиста сам направила много честитки! Обзиром да је стигла јесен, свадбе су у току, само да вам покажем неколико честитки и картица за поклоне које сам правила, а све везано за вјенчања.
I was really working hard, all year long. First preparing for New Year's Eve, then for the Valentine's Day or St.Trifun's Day ( day dedicated to grape sanctification ), after that Mother's Day and on and on...I made really a lot of it. Since it's autumn, and that means wedding season is here where I live, I just wanted to share some of my wedding cards.
Ово су најљепше ружице које сам икада направила,
отуда још једна фотографија
I have to show detail of this card because
I'm so proud of my roses
( I doubt I will ever make them again as good as these are)
Сљедеће су све са џепом о чему сам раније писала.
These are all will pocket I mentioned before
Честитка за свадбу са одговарајућом ковертом.
Greeting card with the matching envelop. 
Направила сам неколико варијација ове честитке. Разлика је била само у бојама, комбинацији боја, облику цвијета...
 I made several of these, in a few variants. I didn't have time to picture them all but the only difference was the type of flower/flowers...
...and color


  1. i love them all! :D the wedding cards really² sweet and pure :)

  2. You put the square of really!!! At the picture of my blog award I gave you has a stamped sequence :"Ljub na kub" which could be translated as : the cube of kiss. Well, math is really everywhere:)
    And, thanks!!!

  3. You are right to be proud of your roses, Suzana - they are exquisite!

  4. All are so lovely, it's hard to choose a favorite.

  5. Thank you, Philippa and Ann. Those roses are something to remember lol
    Thank you, both;I really appreciate every word you say!
