Avaible Cards

Monday, 24 January 2011

Part II

Башта моје баке са најљућим
папричицама и најслађим чери парадајзом
My grandmother's garden with
the hottest peppers and with
sweet cherry tomatoes 
Моја мама као дјевојчица. Полазак у школу.
My mother as a little girl. School time.
Лета Господњег и мамин датум рођења.
AD with the date of my mother's birth
Преко цијеле слике ће бити откуцаји срца, као ECG, да означи битне догађаје када је сваки пут срце поскочило. Од среће.
At the bottom I added ECG. A whole picture is supposed to be marked with the happy moments in my mother's life, every time her hart jumped out of happiness! 
Као дјевојчица, напушта своје село и одлази на школовање у Београд. На овај догађај упућује и знак а и престанак зеленог папира, на који се надовезује сиви, као асфалт.
My mother leaving her village and going to school in Belgrade. These two events are separated with road sign, green strip, for village, and gray one as pavement in the city. At this road sign are words from our well known poem. 
Завршен је други дио слике.
Now I have completed the second part of my picture. My family is gathered in our traditional dance, led by my grand-uncle, the First flag-bearer and also our national hero in WWII. From the left to the right, next to him, are: my uncles, my aunt, my grandfather and my dear grandmother. That little, cute, red, tiny shape in her arms that looks like a ladybug is my mother.
Another view of this part II


  1. You keep teasing us with little bits I can't wait to see the whole thing! Glad you'll be taking part in the blog hop also! Can't wait to see what you create. Have a great day!

  2. lol
    Sorry for teasing you:)
    Well,for now, only this is completed . There is still much work to do.
    Pleasure is mine. That's lovely idea. Hope many will join!

  3. Fantastic and fascinating! I especially love the peppers.

  4. I love how much thought you have put into this project - it's wonderful! I'm smiling as I read your posts.

  5. I agree, your work is fantastic but it is the personal details that make it so special.

    I want to try stick people now, you make it look so easy and not a drop of glue either.

    Can't wait to see it finished.

  6. This is amazing. I love the peppers. I'm like the others. I can't wait to see it finished. I also really liked the ecg. What a neat thought.
