Avaible Cards

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Part III

Ево је овдје!
Here she is.
My mother graduated.
Пви дан на послу. 
A chemist, first day at
work in laboratory.
What's wrong with
this test tube?!
Мало хемије...
Little bit of chemistry.
Овако изгледа...
Like this...
 Вјенчање. Мислим да је већ јасно да је мама представљена у црвеној хаљиници. Мој тата носи плаве панталоне. За ову прилику, ставио је цилиндар и лептир машницу.
Getting married. I think it's obvious that my mother is represented in red dress.
My father wears blue pants. He dressed up for his wedding; hat top and red bow tie.
На осталим сликама се не биде боје сасвим јасно. Овдје, под јаким свјетлом се види које боје сам користила. Свиђа ми се фотографија. 
I love the way light showed all the colors. It's not so clearly on the other pictures.
Ово је нешто као: прије!
This is something like: Before!
И: послије!
And: After! 


  1. Страхотно е! Накара ме да се усмихна :)

  2. I continue to be amazed by the details of your project when we get our little snippets. I love all of it but the bride and groom with the heart really stand out to me.

    I'm with Sandy....can't wait to see the finished project.


  3. Thank you, Te4eto!
    When I finished it last night, I also thought that the heart part is going to be the central of the picture. Thank you, Cheryl. I can't wait to see it finished, too, but this is only a 1/4 of the picture.

  4. "Да!" =) It looks so pretty and funny! I see a baby carriage peeking from the corner on the last pic =) Can't wait to see more! =)

  5. lol
    yes, it is. The first one. Actually, there will be more.

  6. Looks like lotsa hardwork. You gave me ideas to try something new :) absolutely liked the style of quilling!

  7. wow...only 1/4 of the way through. That means we get many more days of new pictures.

    Can't wait...

  8. I just found your blog and I got pretty amazed from the first post I've seen! The chemical formulas are so pretty :X and look so familiar to me! (I study Pharmacy). And I also discovered that you are not so far away - I am from Romania:) So glad to find you, neighbour! >:D<

  9. Suzana,
    Very creative. I loved the delicacy of the forms, colors, and the facts presented.

  10. Witaj Susan,
    To piękne prace i takie wdzięczne.
    Gratuluję i życzę natchnienia,
    do kolejnych wspaniałych obrazów.

    Pozdrawiam Cię serdecznie

  11. This is just like reading a story, with a new chapter every day! Well done, Suzana! This will be a wonderful work for your family to keep.
