Saturday 2 October 2010

Blog Award

Примила сам прву блог награду од Аљоне. Хвала Аљона. Обзиром да сам нова у овоме и не знам да ли је дозвољено да просљеђујем исту фотографију па сам, за сваки случај, ставила нову.
I got my first blog award from Aljona and I'm really thrilled! Thank you, Aljona. I'm new with this one so I don't know if I can share the same picture award I got so I'll put a new one.
Овдје су неки од мојих омиљених блогова, сви који користе папир у свом занату. Нисам пратила сва правила али погледајте шта су све лијепо урадили.
These are one of my favorite blogs, not only quilling but paper for sure;) No particular order. Just take a look at it. They are all true artist. I didn't follow all the rules, there's more then 10 ;) 


Philippa said...

Well done, Suzana - and thanks!

SUGANTHI said...

Congratulations Suzana and thanks for thinking of me.

Unknown said...

The pleasure is mine!

Asma’ AB said...

yours is my favorite too, Сузана Илић! oh, how can i call you in english?

btw, i read your profile just now and your occupation is math technician rite? i am math student too! and currently continue my work in math too, as research assistant ;)

Unknown said...

You made me smile, thanks:)))
Well, it's quite confusing, isn't it?! I'm Suzana!
In my opinion, everything is spinning around math. I used to did if just for fun, in my spare time, like listening a music or reading a book. I just love math. I keep my fingers crossed and wish you all the happiness in the most lovely field of researching ( well, chemistry could compare :) ).
I had a great teachers, wonderful professors, and a few months ago I got an idea of making a math card and send to one of them. I think integrals would look so cool in quilling :)