Стварно сам уживала прошле недјеље у оном "скочиблогу", како га ја зовем. Хвала Сенди, још једном, свима који су ускочили на наше мало путовање.
Мало сам се плашила како да изведем све то...да не одступим много од слике коју радим мјесец дана, а да ипак дам све од себе у скочиблогу. Али, ето, све је испало лијепо.
Гдје сам оно стала?! Да, код вјенчања мојих родитеља, рођења мог старијег брата и усељења ( и то баш на Божић ).
It was such a great blog hop last week, I really enjoyed. I have to thank to Sandy, again, and all the other "blog hoppers" including all of you who took a journey with us.
I was a little bit afraid what to post and not to walk away too much from what I've been doing all this month. So, the stuff I took part with, fitted quite well in Sandy's plan. That's why you'll see some of already seen photos.
So, where was I?! My parents got married and soon after they got my older brother, a new flat ( just on Christmas, what a lovely present ).
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Мој старији брат, па стан, па ја. First, my older brother, a new flat ( what a lovely Christmas present ) and me. |
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Добили су кључ! A new key! |
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Породица се увећава, срећни смо, наравно, али сада нам треба... Here we are, with our new family member. But as family was getting bigger... |
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...већи кључ, тј. стан те се селимо... ...we needed bigger key, I mean flat, so we're moving to the bigger... |
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...у најсунчанији стан икада. ...and the sunniest flat ever. |
Ја бих за мање времена сашила нову него што ми је требало да направим ову од папира,али обзиром да се моја мајка толико трудила и пажљиво бирала завјесе за нови стан, морала сам и ја да се додатно потрудим.
My mother put so much effort and love looking for the right curtains. Similar one was in our kitchen.
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Афричке љубичице моје маме. My mother's Saintpaulia ionantha. |

И, ето, то је први дио приче. Направићу малу паузу да направим нешто потпуно другачије за моју нову пријатељицу.
Видимо се ускоро!
And this was 1/2 of my mother's life story picture. I'm going to make a little brake. I'm so impatient to start quilling something completely different for a new friend of mine.
See you soon!
WOW, kakve divne stvari, a naročito ideja!
Posebno su dobre afričke ljubičice!
Hvala! Meni su posebno drage ovakve poruke;)
so pretty
Maravilloso!!! Super lindo su trabajo
lo adore todo!!!
Mil gracias por compartirlo.
The curtains so so beautiful. Hope you come back to this project soon. It has become my favourite story.
Each day I can't wait to see more of your family history. This is such a wonderful story and your quilling is awesome.
First of all: WOW on curtains! and saintpaulias on the windowsill. Great job! So neat and lovely!
And the whole pic is really great! funny and informative! It's a great idea to make a genealogical tree this way =)
Очень забавно и весело получилось!!!
It is absolutely beautiful. I love the curtains...and the rest of it too.
I can't tell you how much I enjoy your posts! Love every little detail and especially your mom's curtains. :)
This is just wonderful wonderful! I think your mother is so very proud of this! I added your blog in my blogroll, so I was wondering if you also want to add me in your bloglist. Thanks a lot!
Diana from Happy Quilling
Thank you all for encouragement. I will soon get back to this story.
@Happy Quilling: thank you for adding me. It's a pleasure to do the same.
How lovely!
I'm a quiller too (along with a bunch of other crafts) -- please let me know what you think or suggestions?
I got a little tired of Valentine's day things so today I quilled some musical notes for a violin ornament -- pictures here:
I hope you like it!
Beautiful, just love. I have just recently started quilling and i hope some day i'll be able to make something so special !!!
Thanks for inspiration.
Africke ljubicice su nestvarne,i onaj suncan prozor,divno:)
Ovo izgleda FENOMENALNO, svaka cast za ideju i naravno za realizaciju...prelepo... :D
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