You see, I have two cousins. Or, to be quite correct ( in case they read this ) and give no hard feelings, around here, cousin is some relative you hardly know. So, we specify when we speak about our aunts' or uncles' children, as in this case. I'll stop here to avoid jokes on me that could come along as I'm trying to explain to the world what "sestra od tetke" means!
I'll start again and I'll say that I have two close cousins who could easily be chefs in any well-known restaurant. One is the master in making cakes and the other one is the best in making rolls, bread etc.. Although they both unselfishly share their recipes, tips and hints with me, in my kitchen while and after cooking, I usually put blame on my scales, oven, flour...Or...Yes, sugar wasn't well milled! And while preparing pastry, I get an urge to splash it on my window. But, I make good pancakes!
And, it was the same thing while I was making this quilled cake. I knew I missed something in my recipe! A big one, even I had all I needed. The best material.
1. Pearled quilling paper I got from Marilyn;
2. beautiful diamond red paper I bought in my local store "Demos" ( you may contact me for more info );
3. good recipe;
3. good recipe;
4. even Cheryl's stamps!
But it still didn't work out as well as the chef of this cake makes it.

I had no one to blame! I knew it's all on me. It looks easy to do - and that's the catch! Do it so it looks like it's easy but...oh!

I've been quilling for almost 5 years now and I know that there's a lot stuff to learn about.
It wasn't my intention to make it exactly the same, when it comes to design. I just had to give it a try. I'm in love with Cheryl's cards ever since I first saw them. I just love the way she does her cards. I rest my eyes while visiting her blog. Lately Neli's blog, also.
When I fall in love with quilling, Lily Stubbs became one of my dearest quillers ever. My very first works I quilled were totally inspired by her quilling. I tried so hard to get into this technique, to figure it out, to learn all about it, to find a proper paper I could work with. After a few months, I could say I managed it.
Than, I had periods when I was just looking at other quillers' works and not to do a single coil! It happened 2 or 3 times, lasted for 6 to 10 months per period. After these months, getting back to quilling, I was lucky that, soon after I learned to quill, I started to receive orders, specific ones, that had to be one of a kind. I could never tell what made the most influence on me, what I have absorbed and how it reacted on my work. I think all of it! But, I know that I'll never quill, for example, keys because there are one and only Ring of Keys by Ann Martin. I'll keep enjoying in many ways visiting quillers blogs ( you can find them all on my blog list ), admiring at all the diversities and imagination of my fellow quillers.

But, I think that the fact is that we all get inspiration from one another. That's the bond. Quilling, the thing that brought me so much joy, good friends, as Philippa ones said, on-line friends, chance to do something I love and also make some money, was one of the best things that happened to me. Now, excuse me, I have to do some quilling for a dear friend of mine!
Yes blogger pals are amazing and such a gorgeous quilled creation you have shared
Yes, my blogger pals are the best! You are always so kind to take the time and leave an encouragement comment. I thank you for that!
You have to see Cheryl's cake!
This is a Lovely Creation.....
Suzana!!! It´s really amazing!! I love the elegance in the simplicity of your card!!! You´re so creative!!
yes blogger friends are great, and the inspiration that is given, is wonderful!!!. Do love the cake !
keep up with the good works!!!
lovely ur creation...
what a great idea beautiful I love it!
Greetings Baukje
Very nice!
Glad you are continuing to quill
I can't imagine life without our quilling community! I admire Cheryl's simple style just like you do, and think your little cake is a lovely tribute to her. Thanks for mentioning my keys - I'm still surprised they turned out as they did! You have your very own marvelous style and I always look forward to your posts.
I too love Cheryl's Style so very much . I must try the cake too. As you say , it is not always as easy as it looks . Loved reading your lovely post Suzana.
I could not have said it better myself, Suzana! We are privileged to have found such a great community in our on-line world.
Suzana I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your post.
I saw that you had made this post a few days ago but I didn't want to look until I could take the time to enjoy it. And enjoy it I did. I love the story of your 'sestra od tetkes' and how you tied it into my cake.
I think you did a fantastic job of quilling my cake but I know what you mean by never getting it exactly the same. I, myself, struggle with replicating things I have made. I find it really hard to make the same thing, the same way, again and again.
I used the term 'my cake' very loosely as it is all of our cakes because it is through our quilling community that I get my inspiration. This community is soooo fantastic and I love how we can share our passion of quilling.
Thanks for all the inspiration that you have given me and for making me want to branch out and think out side of the box because I find your quilling to be one of the most creative of all of us.
{and I still get a kick out of seeing my stamps being used on your cards}
Thank you for all you do
hi ! i love all your arts! and been putting your link blog on mines= long time ago. keep up !
have fun with papers,dear !
Beautiful quilling. And ur crafts are also superb. Do check some of my quilling at
Well, wasn't I right?!
You are really the best!
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