Добродошли у мој скромни дом! Јесте ли свратили код Филипе? Надам се да долазите од ње. Прије него наставимо даље, хајде да направимо малу паузу.
Welcome to my little house! Are you coming from Philippa's blog? I hope you've been there and now let's take a little break before we move on.
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Изволите сјести ( сад ће кафа! ). Make yourself comfortable ( cookies are in the oven! ). |
Дозволите ми да бас упознам са својом породицом: мој велики брат, ја ( Јуху! ), мој мали брат, моји мама и тата. May I introduce you to my family. My big brother, myself ( Hi! ), my little brother, my Mom and my Dad. We're glad you're here! |
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Ја сам се већ спаковала и спремна сам да кренемо даље. Well, I've already packed and I'm ready for our journey. |
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Пријало би ми мало сунца! I have an idea! Let's go somewhere where the sun shines. That would make my life sweeter right now. |
Пошто сам вам показала неке од ствари које ми чине живот љепшим: кров над главом, породица на окупу, путовања...хајде да бидимо шта ради Лин.
Now when I showed you things that make my life sweeter: a place you can call home, family get together, travelings...let's go and see what's Lin been doing.
Да, за сваки случај само да провјеримо да ли смо на правом путу:
And just to make sure you're following our route, check this out:
Linda - http://www.krazyquilling.com/
Shruti - http://eenzybeenzy.blogspot. com/
Cheryl - http://cardsbycheryl.blogspot. com/
Regina - http://regina-ribeiro. blogspot.com/
Phillippa - http://quilliance.blogspot. com/
My place - http://quillingwithfun. blogspot.com/
Amna - http://alfardh.blogspot.com/
Yuenie - http://yueniesfancies. blogspot.com/
Jacquline - http://cutekipepeo.blogspot. com/
Срећан пут!
Bon voyage!
Suzana. I love this! It's like a quilled comic book. I love the expressions in the people and all the details that are in this. The baby carriage is SO cute and the children jumping up and down. There's so much to take in! Thank you for sharing your project!
I love the way you have brought your world to life in quilling! I have you on my blogroll already and have been enjoying your work! So glad I stopped by on my way around the world.
Hugs, antonella :-)
single strips are my weakness .. I just don't know how to do that sort of work ..
I believe you ought to make story book .. coz you're work is perfect for illustrations :)
Thanks ..
Best Wishes
wow, that is awesome!
cheers from Brazil!
This is so good!
You are simple amazing!
Sweet projects...you enjoy this and it shows. Thank You for sharing!
quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com
Suzana, I LOVE THIS! it's so adorable and so quirky! The captions made me laugh, especially "cookies in the oven" (and I really did look for an oven!). This really goes straight to the heart =) Amazing as usual.
Awesome job. I was especially drawn to your palm tree and the vase on the table!!
Congratulations! Very crative your card!
Hugs form Brazil, Luciana.
You are a true Quilling / Paper artist!
I am so happy to have found your blog!
Thank you for sharing.
I am now a follower.
Cricut Matriarch@yahoo.com
You have brought your world to life in quilling....how creative and what an imagination you must have. I love the movement of your pieces....especially you jumping and your pigtails flying up in the air. If we were voting for our favourite....for me it would be yours hands down.
What a lovely journey. Thanks for sharing.
debbie_craine at hotmail dot com
Savršeno, ostajem bez daha.
Uvek sam se divila ovoj tehnici.
Hvala što si nam predstavila i ostale blogove, baš uživam.
new follower of your blog, love the story with your art!
I see you keep playing with single-strip technique =) And you keep me wondering, do you actually glue that down? The closeups look soooo amazingly neat! Really awesome.
Love the palm tree... ahh... I wish I had a vacation!
Thanks for sharing! Love your blog! ;)
Hello Suzana, wow your style of quilling is impressive, so unique and crative. I'm glad you were part of this hop.
quilly hugs,
Thank you, Sandy, for inviting me into this amazing tour. I really enjoy all day long:)
Thank you for joining my blog; hope I'll keep you interested in my work.
Hvala, Neno!
Aljona, I swear it's glued LOL! Although, I must admit that there were some parts, characters, that didn't want to be steady. But, thank you and all the others on your comments. I hope we are going to have fun in the future, too.
That is amazing!!! :) I love your scenes, that cute family, the car,...! I had no idea that you could express so much with quilling.
Thank you so much for sharing,
partridgelu at yahoo dot com
vash dom ochin prikracni Cuzana. Very pretty.
Great job! I really love the beach scene. TFS.
Christel (Scrappin' Sista)
askscrappinsista (at) hotmail (dot) com
OK, this is too adorable!
Bonnie C
Very original. Keep up the good quilling
Thank you for sharing!!
http://marcia-cartoes.blogspot.com/ - (from Brazil)
WOWWW!!! love your style of quilling...so many quiller's around the world, each having their own style...just amazes me !! Loved your work and way you showcase them...great job!! Will definitely come back for more..:)
This is so amazing! Love your quilling style! I've never done this kind of technique before with single strips. Afraid to try. But you definitely inspired me!!
very nice, TFS
nice work, great design
cool. thanks for sharing
Unbelievable, a quilling story! I'm so very impressed by your sweet style! Thanks for being on this blog hop, do continue to quill your way to success ;)
Love, Jolene. (Malaysia)
Suzana, Each day I can't wait to see what you have created next. Love everything.....too much to just pick one. Waiting to see what is coming next. Your friend...Marilyn
You are all so adorable. Thanks for your support, I hope I won't let you down :)
Dear Marilyn, I think the next one will be made of REAL quilling paper:))) I can't wait to do it!
Sincerely, your friend
I love how you tell your story!! It's so cute! TFS!
Oh my goodness, that is simply adorable. I absolutely love it. I liked the simplicity of the first picture but when I saw the picture of the family and that little girl with the pig tails I was thoroughly impressed.
Your quilling style is very different and very beautiful.
Beautiful work dear. So unique style of quilling.
I think all of things are sweet too. I love your quilling.
Oh my goodness! I am so enjoying my trip around the world.
Suzana, I must tell you your blog, on this hop has me really smiling. So, so cute.
Thank you.
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