Ех, сад сам прави квилер захваљујући мојој новој пријатељици. Радовала сам се као мало дијете. Мазила сам га и пазила скоро мјесец дана и синоћ сам се, коначно, усудила да направим једну, тј. прву праву квилинг честитку. Вјерујте ми, огромна је разлика!
Now I'm a real quiller thanks to my far distance friend who sent me these magnificent quilling paper. I was cherishing and looking at them for almost a month and last night I dared to make my very first card out of quilling paper. It feels so good! I was happy like a child.

Људи на западу његују лијеп обичај да шаљу честитке захвалности. И ево моје прве коју сам направила.
It's not so common around here to send thank you cards but that's such a lovely custom and I decided to make one.

I was a little bit nervous but I enjoyed at the same time.
nice card, love the little blue flowers, and the tight coils add a nice touch!
Čestitka je savršena, jednostavna, a efektna i elegantna.
Bravo, i ja se radujem s tobom.
Wow, its so lovely.
Thank you!
Hvala, Neno. Koliko sam shvatila, one bi i trebalo da budu jednostavne. Ne znam, moramo da uvedemo taj obicaj i kod nas:)))
Looking beautiful and the combination is very good!
Congratulations on your new strips - I know you'll make very good use of them!
Thank you, my dear friends!
I know exactly how you feel. I still have packs I have not ppened ,you will do amazing job with any kind of strips:)
Suganthi, I knew I'm not the only one lol I was like a kid with brand new bricks:) Just feels so good!
Thanks ileana-carmen
Suzana, your card is beautiful. I'm so glad you enjoyed your quilling papers. Nothing to be nervous about, you did a great job. Your friend.
Thank you, my friend;)
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